Monday, 24 July 2017

Writing about advertisements

Learning objective: To show understanding of one advertisement, using supporting evidence
Success criteria: 
1. We can describe the advertisment.
2. We can explain the purpose of the advertisment.
3. We can discuss the role of music in this ad.

Watch the advertisement.  Then complete the following tasks:
1. Write a description (5-6 sentences) of what happens in this ad.
2. What is being advertised?  How do you know?
3. Describe the music and how it helps tell the story in this ad.  Include mention of the song, the musicians, the lyrics and the style.

More specific questions:
1. The beginning - where, who, what?
This is surprising because...
2. Sound: The Exponents, Why does love do this to me? - What makes the Exponents special?  What does this mean for the pilot?
3. Costume - how is costume used in this ad to help us understand the idea of everyone loving the All Blacks, especially the Air NZ staff?

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