Friday 20 October 2017

Internet conversations

Work for Friday 20 October 2017
Part One: in groups or pairs, talk about internet safety.  
You need to:
  • share your ideas (at least two ideas per person)
  • use eye contact
  • use appropriate body language
  • ask questions of each other
  • help the conversation flow
Questions to guide you in your conversation:
  1. What do you like doing most online and why? (keep it clean!) e.g. is it watching Netflix, or snapchatting with school friends, or participating in a specialist sports forum...
  2. What do you think are the big differences between how you use the internet and how older members of your family use the internet?
  3. What is a phishing scam and how can people recognise one?
  4. What is trolling and what should we do about it?
  5. What do you think would happen to your social life and friendships if the internet crashed for several weeks, worldwide?
  6. What are the three most important cyber smart tips you would give a 13 year old who was just starting out using social media?
  7. Which websites are the best source of current events or sports news?  What makes them good websites?

Every group needs to be recorded on screencastify or on someone’s phone.  This then needs to be shared with Ms Quick.  You could take turns being the recorder and run the conversation more than once so that we get reasonable quality filming so Ms Quick can mark the section on eye contact and body language.  This is worth credits, so please work carefully on it.

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