Thursday, 25 May 2017

Identity: comparing our own experiences with Triss and Four's experiences

Learning objective: we are learning to use dialogue and quotes to show understanding of themes in Divergent.
Success criteria:
1. We can describe the problems of identity which we face
2. We can make links between our experiences and Tris's experience
3. We can apply our learning by writing paragraphs about themes in divergent

Do Now: Identity

Who am I?
What pressures are there on me to conform (to be the same as other people)
What freedoms do I have?
What freedoms do I want to have?

-Read the divergent quotes in the email link
-Copy them into your document
-Highlight which ones relate to the theme of identity
-How is your struggle for identity similar to or different to Tris or Four?

Wednesday, 17 May 2017

Lighting in Divergent: colour filters + spot lighting

In the Dauntless compound, where everyone is crowded in and the lighting is dark, tinted with green.The green lighting emphasises...

Cold white

Warm light

Friday, 12 May 2017

Divergent: sound track

Learning objective: to show understanding of the use of music in the film Divergent.
Success criteria:
1. I can identify the performer and title of the songs played in Divergent.
2. I can describe a scene in Divergent where a specific music track is played.
3. I can explain the effect on the audience of using a specific music track in a specific scene.
4. I can discuss the director's purpose in choosing particular music tracks and how it links to the target audience for the film.

Activity one: collecting information on the music used in Divergent.
Using clips from the film found on youtube and other sites such as the Wikia Divergent site, make a list of the music played in Divergent.

Activity two: organising information on the music used in Divergent
Make a table with the music tracks in one column.  In the next column, describe what is happening in the film when the music is being played.

Thursday, 11 May 2017

Divergent: is human nature the enemy?

Learning objective: to show understanding of the idea that "human nature is the enemy."
Success criteria:
1. I can define human nature.
2. I can make links between human nature in our world and in Divergent.
3. We can identify our next steps to inform Friday's learning

In Divergent, Janine says to Triss, "I think human nature is the enemy."
What is human nature?
What does human nature look like?
What does human nature sound like?
What is the opposite of human nature?

Friday, 5 May 2017

Discussing costume (and casting): an exemplar

Who: I have chosen the character Four, also known as Tobias Eaton.  For more information on his character, see the wikia page.  When we meet Four in the film, he has a role in Dauntless training new recruits.  Dauntless turns out to be a much harder faction than anyone knew.  When they chose Dauntless at the initiation ceremony, none of the new dauntless candidates knew that there would be another test that not everyone would pass.  Four does the training for this test.

What: Four wears all black clothing, in fabrics suitable for fast and adventurous movement.  In this photo we see him in a black t-shirt and a jacket which looks like it is made of expensive active wear fabric.  The Dauntless faction is definitely set up as the sexiest faction.  The clothing is dark and fitted and the closest to modern teen clothing.  He has deep brown eyes, olive skin, and is tall and all round good looking.  He frequently has his head slightly to one side, looking thoughtful and as though he is more caring and interesting than the other Dauntless leaders (such as Alec).  The fitted black clothing is designed to flatter his body as much as the fitted black clothing that Triss wears once she joins the Dauntless faction.

Why: I think the director has made Four look sexy because he is also the heart throb of the film (almost every dystopic teen film has one).  The directors have cast him to be brave and thoughtful as well as sexy so that we admire him.  The directors want viewers to either fancy Four or to wish they were like him.  Dauntless is the faction which teenagers (the target audience for the film) admire the most, and we secretly wish we were as strong and gutsy as Triss and Four, because we all know what it is like to be unsure of where we fit in society.

Thursday, 4 May 2017

Divergent: costume & acting

Learning objective: we are learning to show understanding of how costume and acting are used to show the key differences between the factions.
Success criteria:
1. We can find images of characters from different factions in Divergent.
2. We can describe the clothing and explain how it links to the character's faction
3. We can summarise how clothing is used in Divergent to emphasise a divided world.

Do now:

  • Use the internet to find images of characters from different factions in Divergent.  
  • Create a document called "Costume and Acting in Divergent"
  • Paste each image in and label the clothing.  
  • Write sentences explaining what the clothing tells us about the person, their faction and how the film directors have encouraged us to see that person.

Wednesday, 3 May 2017

Divergent: focusing on the factions

Welcome back!  We are starting with a look at the factions in Divergent.  Please read the information about the factions and answer the questions here.  This resource has also been shared to your English drive.

Monday, 1 May 2017

Take the Divergent aptitude test

What faction do you 'belong' to?

Take the quiz here to find out.

Today's learning activity is about the factions in Divergent.  Click here to read about the factions and to answer some questions about the factions and your thoughts on them.